What should I do if I knock out a tooth?

Accidents happen and when they involve your teeth it can be very scary. If you should ever knock out an adult tooth the first thing you should do locate the tooth. If the tooth is intact and not covered in debris you can try and place the tooth back in the socket. Once back in the socket try to keep your mouth closed and hold the tooth in place with your tongue. This may not be very comfortable but it is the best way to help the tooth survive.

If the tooth can’t be replaced place the tooth in a glass of milk, avoid water as this can cause damage to the root of the tooth.

Call us as soon as you can so we can get you into the office and help with your dental emergency. There are many ways that we can help with a lost tooth but time is the most important thing. The longer a tooth is out of the mouth the harder it is to restore.

If a child knocks out a baby tooth the best course of action is to not replace the tooth. Even if the tooth has a long root and was not loose, trying to place the tooth back in the mouth could damage the adult tooth coming in. It is still important to call us to make sure there was no damage to the bone or any other teeth.

We hope you never have to call us for a dental emergency, but if you do we are always here for you!


Why do I need to replace my filling/crown?

