Why do I need to replace my filling/crown?

A lot of people come to the dentist with the misconception that once they have a crown or a filling placed, they will never have to replace it and/or need a new restoration on that specific tooth. A good crown or filling should last at least 8-10 years before needing replaced however many factors affect the longevity of a restoration.

When you come in for your routine dental cleanings your restorations are one of the many things that we are keeping an eye on and checking each visit. Home care, bruxism (grinding/clenching), decay, and normal wear and tear of the teeth can affect the longevity of the restoration.

If you are a heavy grinder/clencher then you are putting forces on your teeth and the restoration that could cause fractures to the restoration. Your dentist may recommend a bite guard in order the protect your teeth and restorations due to the clenching & grinding.

Your home care also plays a huge role into the longevity of both the health of your teeth & restorations. If you do not maintain good home care then your odds of getting recurrent decay (cavities) are at a greater risk.  

Other factors such as nail biting, ice chewing, using your teeth as tooths can also damage your teeth and restorations resulting in the need for dental bonding, fillings, & crowns. 


Orthodontics isn’t just for creating beautiful smiles!


What should I do if I knock out a tooth?